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//Essay//Importance of Sports in the daily life of students//

 Importance of Sports in the daily life of students

Sports have always played a vital role in the process of shaping the lives of students. Beyond the boundary of just physical activity and competition sports also take good care of the students' character development and psychological development too. Sports create the platform for the holistic development of the students in their lives. In this modern age where studying is recognized as the most important thing for a student, we should also focus and give equal importance to the development of students in sports. Sports are important in the student's life for the following reasons:

Physical fitness and health: Getting engaged in playing sports is one of the best ways to get physically fit and healthy. Playing several kinds of sports helps us to lose our body’s unnecessary fats and keeps us healthy and away from chronic and harmful diseases. It helps us get in perfect shape and weight. Students who participate in sports are generally more healthy and physically fit than those who aren’t engaged in sports activities.

Reduction of stress: Academic and course-related things provide a lot of pressure and stress to the students. Most students generally use their mobile phones, laptops, etc unnecessarily to balance their stress and pressure but that's not a good way of reducing stress instead it creates more stress. But getting engaged in Sports can be the best way to calm your mind and be away from all the stress and all of the pressure you’ve got. Just burn your calories and fats, be self-conscious, and calm down your mind. This gives an actual peace of mind sometimes.

Teamwork and Cooperation: Getting engaged in team-played sports gets us to know about the value of teamwork and cooperation in one’s life. While students play in a team they automatically learn the importance of working together cooperating and respecting each other’s decisions. Since they work together to achieve a common goal they will get more ideas on how to succeed with the team's effort and proper cooperation and coordination. This skill is not only important for sports, it's very crucial in studies as well as practical life.

Discipline and dedication: Getting to succeed in anything needs a lot of dedication and discipline in life. Likewise, success in sports also demands discipline and dedication. Students getting involved in sports follow strict rules and regulations which demand them to get well disciplined and dedicated.

Conclusively, the importance of sports in a student's life cannot be stated properly in words. Beyond the boundaries of physical fitness, sports provide a lot of advantages and merits in a student’s life like: Physical fitness, stress reduction, teamwork and cooperation, discipline and dedication, time management, leadership ability, socialization, goal setting, character development, etc. When the things that are learned during sports are used in practical life they become useful.

                                                                                                                                         Yunish Shrestha

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