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Unit - 9 Should and Had better //GRAMMAR//

 Unit - 9 Democracy and Human Rights

"No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin or his background or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite." 

                       -Nelson Mandela

Grammar (Page 79)

Should and Had better 

A. Look at these examples.

Boy : You look tired. You should go to bed .

Girl : It might rain. You’d better take an umbrella.


B. Complete the sentences with should or shouldn't. Use one of these verbs.

drink        visit       leave           roam            quit

a. You have really done a wonderful job. I recommend you …… it. 

Ans:-You have really done a wonderful job. I recommend you shouldn't quit it.   

b. That's a very dangerous area. Tourists …… there. 

Ans:- That's a very dangerous area. Tourists shouldn't visit there. 

 c. I'm going to be late. Do you think I …… now? 

Ans:- I'm going to be late. Do you think I should leave  now? 

 d. Children …… sugary drinks. It's not very healthy. 

Ans:- Children shouldn't drink sugary drinks. It's not very healthy. 

 e. I have lots of homework. I …… here and there today.

Ans:- I have lots of homework. I shouldn't roam here and there today.


C. Put in had better or should.

 a. I think you …… learn English to enroll a university course. 

Ans:- I think you should learn English to enroll a university course. 

 b.  It's a great film. You …… go and see it.

Ans:- It's a great film. You should go and see it.

 c. I have to meet my friend in ten minutes. I …… go now or I'll be late. 

Ans:- I have to meet my friend in ten minutes. I had better go now or I'll be late. 

 d. These biscuits are delicious. You …… try one. 

Ans:- These biscuits are delicious. You should try one. 

 e. We …… get to the airport by 2 pm or else we may miss the flight. 

Ans:- We had better get to the airport by 2 pm or else we may miss the flight. 

 f. When people are driving, they …… keep their eyes on the road. 

Ans:- When people are driving, they should  keep their eyes on the road. 

 g. I …… get up early tomorrow. I've got a lot to do.

Ans:- should  get up early tomorrow. I've got a lot to do.

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