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Unit - 7 : Transitive, Intransitive and Linking Verbs //GRAMMAR//

 Unit - 7 : Ecology and Environment 

“Sustainability is about ecology, economy and equity.” – Ralph Bicknese

Grammar (Page 68)

Transitive, Intransitive and Linking Verbs


A. Study the examples. 

 A couple bought a couple of tickets for their honeymoon.

 The car stopped suddenly. 

 All the children seem satisfied with their exam result. 

 Here bought is a transitive verb, stopped an intransitive verb and seem a linking verb.


 B. What is the difference among transitive, intransitive and linking verbs? Give examples of each. 

Transitive verbs are verbs that take an object.

transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object, which is a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that follows the verb and completes the sentence's meaning by indicating the person or thing that receives the action of the verb. The direct object typically answers the question what? or whom?:


  • The dog ate the bone.
  • (The verb "ate" is a transitive verb. It acts on "the bone," which is the direct object of "ate.")
  • am singing a song.
  • (The verb "am singing" is a transitive verb. It acts on "a song," which is the direct object of "am singing.")

An intransitive verb does not take an object.

An intransitive verb is not used with a direct object. If something comes after an intransitive verb, that is, in the position usually inhabited by the direct object, it doesn't answer what? or whom?; instead it answers a question like where?when?how?, or how long?:


  • The dog barked.
  • (The verb "barked" does not act on anything. It is an intransitive verb.)
  • am sinking.
  • (The verb "am sinking" does not act on anything. It is an intransitive verb.)


 C. Underline the verb in each sentence and write whether it is transitive, intransitive or linking.

a. His father looks handsome. 

Ans:- His father looks handsome. (liking verb)

b. Bhawana drinks milk every day.

Ans:- Bhawana drinks milk every day. (transitive verb)

 c. He became a watchman. 

Ans:- He became a watchman. (liking verb)

d. This bread smells good.

Ans:- This bread smells good. (liking verb)

 e. The dog barked loudly.

Ans:- The dog barked loudly. (intransitive verb)

f. He chased the dog.

Ans:- He chased the dog. (transitive verb)

 g. My sister swims fast.

Ans:- My sister swims fast. (intransitive verb)

h. He painted a picture.

Ans:- He painted a picture. (transitive verb)

 i. Radhika always asks question.

Ans:- Radhika always asks question. (transitive verb)

j. Anjana has a long hair.

Ans:- Anjana has a long hair. (liking verb)

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