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Unit - 4 Regular and irregular verbs // Grammar // Grade - 11// ENGLISH

 Unit 4 : History and Culture

“The greatest glory is not in never falling, but rising every time we fall.”                                               – Confucius

Grammar  (Page 39)

Regular and irregular Verbs

A. Read this paragraph and classify regular and irregular verbs in the bold face. 

 About 771 BCE, a barbarian invasion drove the Zhou rulers eastwards. During this time, the state of Qin became responsible for guarding the western frontier and they gradually moved eastward and eventually occupied the original Zhou domains. Thus, the Qin became a close ally of the Zhou and they also had marriage relations with the Zhou ruling class. King Ping of Zhou (r. 770-720 BCE) transferred titles of the nobility and huge estates to the chief of Qin. 

 Past simple is used to talk about a single action or series of actions that happened in the past.


B. Complete the texts below using the correct past forms of the verbs from the bracket. 

 a. The Maya established a very advanced civilisation in the jungles of the Yucatan. However, their culture disappeared by the time Europeans first arrived in the New World. 

b. When I turned on the radio yesterday, I heard a song that was popular when I was at the basic level of my study. It took me back to some old memories. 

c. I was looking for a job. I applied for a job last week. Fortunately, I got it and now I am a job holder


C. Choose the correct words from the list and complete the sentences with the correct verb form.

teach        write           see           get up        throw              cost

a. Newton………….an apple falling from the tree. 

 b. Ramesh Bikal…………..many popular stories. 

 c. My jacket is expensive. It……….me Rs 5000. 

 d. She………….early in the morning yesterday. 

 e. When I was small, my father……… at home. 

 f. Why did you………….the cap away?


a. Newton saw an apple falling from the tree. 

 b. Ramesh Bikal wrote many popular stories. 

 c. My jacket is expensive. It cost me Rs 5000. 

 d. She got up early in the morning yesterday. 

 e. When I was small, my father taught me at home. 

 f. Why did you throw the cap away?


D. Put the verb into the correct form and complete the sentences. 

 a. I went to see the film, but I………… (not/enjoy) 

 b. I…………..Rojina in town in a few days ago. (meet) 

 c. It was very warm, so I……… coat. (take off) 

 d. Though the bed was very comfortable, I………very well. (not/sleep) 

 e. I ............. new job last week. (start) 

 f. He ................ too busy in the office yesterday. (be) 

 g. Nita…………. her to the party, but she didn’t come. (invite)


a. I went to see the film, but I did not enjoy it. 

 b. I met.Rojina in town in a few days ago. 

 c. It was very warm, so I took off my coat. 

 d. Though the bed was very comfortable, I didn't sleep very well.  

 e. I started new job last week. 

 f. He was too busy in the office yesterday. 

 g. Nita invited her to the party, but she didn’t come. 


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