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Unit : 2 Position of Adverbs || GRAMMAR ||

 Unit 2 Communicating 

“Good writing does not succeed or fail on the strength of its ability to persuade. It succeeds or fails on the strength of its ability to engage you, to make you think, to give you a glimpse into someone else’s head.”                                                        – Malcolm Gladwell

Grammar (Page 19)

Position of Adverbs

A. Study these sentences. 

 a. Perhaps she is not coming to the party. 

 b. I sometimes visit him in the supermarket. 

 c. He drove the car carefully.

 Here the words in bold are adverbs. Adverbs can be placed at the front, in the middle or at the end position of a clause or sentence


B. Rewrite the following sentences with the adverbs in the appropriate place.

 a. I watch television. (often) 

Ans:- I often watch television.

 b.  Have you been to Janakpur? (ever) 

Ans:- Have you ever been to Janakpur? 

 c. They play football on Saturdays. (sometimes) 

Ans:- They sometimes play football on Saturday.

 d. The weather is bad in November. (always) 

Ans:- The weather is always bad in November.

 e. We have fish for dinner. (seldom)

Ans:- We seldom have fish for dinner.

 f. Pritam doesn't get up before seven. (usually) 

Ans:- Pritam doesn't usually get up before seven.

 g. I was very tired and I was hungry. (also)

Ans:- I was very tired and I was also hungry.

 h. Did you enjoy the flight? (both)

Ans:- Did you both enjoy the flight?


C. Rewrite the following sentences placing the underlined words in the right position.

 a. I never have understood her. 

Ans:- I have never understood her.

 b. We are often invited to the parties. 

Ans:- We are often invited to the party.

 c.  We all were tired, so we all fell asleep. 

Ans:- We were all tired, so we all fell asleep.

 d. Rajan drives always to work. 

Ans:- Rajan always drives to work.

 e. Pradip hardly ever watches television, but he reads newspapers a lot. 

Ans:- Pradip watches television hardly ever, but he reads newspaper a lot.

 f. We enjoyed very much the party. 

Ans:- We enjoyed the party very much.

 g. My brother speaks fluently English.

Ans:- My brother speaks English fluently.


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