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Unit 17 : Infinitive and gerund || GRAMMAR - 11 ||

 Unit 17 Globalisation and Diaspora

“Globalisation is a strategy of liberalisation that becomes an economic nightmare for the poor.”                             - Anonymous

Grammar (Page 158)

Infinitive and gerund

 A. Study the following examples. 

 It didn't stop raining all day yesterday. 

 She promised to take me there. 

 It started raining. or It started to rain. 

 She stopped smoking three years ago. 

 It was hot, so we stopped to have a drink

Verbs usually followed by –ing

stop, finish, imagine, suggest, recommend, avoid, mind, miss, risk, enjoy

verbs that are usually followed by the infinitive.

decide, hope, offer, fail, agree, forget, manage, learn, afford, arrange, ask, expect, plan, promise, want, invite

Verbs followed by either for

start, begin, continue, bother


B. Complete each sentence using what/how/where/whether + one of these verbs:

 apply     get    do     ride       use    go

a. Do you know …… to Rama’s house.

Ans:- Do you know how to get to Rama’s house.

b. I don’t know …… for the job or not.

Ans:- I don’t know whether to apply for the job or not.

c. Have you decided …… for your picnic? 

Ans:- Have you decided where to go  for your picnic? 

 d. Can you show me …… this camera? 

Ans:- Can you show me how to use this camera? 

e. Ask Hari. He’ll tell you …… a bicycle. 

Ans:-  Ask Hari. He’ll tell you how to ride a bicycle. 

 f. I was really astonished. I didn’t know …… on the horse.

Ans:- I was really astonished. I didn’t know  what to do on the horse.

C. Paraphrase the following sentences using the verb in brackets as in the example. 

 Example: She has lost her weight. (seem) 

                  She seems to have lost her weight. 

 a. Mahesh forgets closing the windows. (tend) 

Ans:- Mahesh tends to forget closing the windows.

 b. Your car has broken down. (appear) 

Ans:-  Your car appears to have broken down.

 c. Ashika is worried about her exam. (seem) 

Ans:- Ashika seems to be worried about her exam.

 d. They have developed the theory. (claim) 

Ans:- They claim to have developed the theory.

 e. He’s enjoying his new job. (pretend)

Ans:- He pretends to be enjoying his new job.

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