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Unit - 15 Sentence Functions || GRAMMAR-11 ||

 Unit - 15  War and Peace

“If everyone fought for their own convictions, there would be no war.”    - Leo Tolstoy

Grammar (Page 142)

Sentence functions

A. Do you know the parts of a sentence? If not, look at this sentence. 

 The fat man painted the door green last week. 

 In this sentence,  the fat man → Subject (S) 

 painted → Verb (V) t

he door → Object (O) 

 green → Complement (C


 B. Divide the following sentences into different parts.

 Example: The man will buy a pen next week. 

 The man – will buy – a pen – next week. 

  Subject + Verb + Object + Adverbial

a. The children are playing now. 

Ans:-          The children : Subject

                    are playing : Verb

                    now :Adverbial

 b. Srijana will be reading a story. 

Ans:-           Srijana :Subject

                    will be reading : Verb

                     a story : Object

 c. Bimala is a very beautiful girl. 

Ans:-              Bimala : Subject

                       is  : Verb

                      a very beautiful girl : Complement

 d. She usually wears glasses. 

Ans:-           She : Subject

                    usually  : Adverbial

                    wears  : Verb

                    glasses : Object

 e. They elected him President.

Ans:-               They  : Subject 

                        elected  : Verb

                        him : Object

                        President :Complement

 f. Rabin is laughing. 

Ans:-        Rabin  :Subject

                 is laughing : Verb

 g. He has a big house in Butwal. 

Ans:-         He : in Butwal. 

                   has  : Verb

                   a big house : Object

                  in Butwal : Adverbial

 h. The man who lives next door is a professor.

Ans:-       The man : Subject 

                 who lives next door : complement

                  is  : Verb

                  a professor : object

 i. Her uncle has been living in Kathmandu for fifteen years. 

Ans:-       Her uncle : Subject 

                 has been living : Verb

                 in Kathmandu : adverbial

                 for fifteen years : adverbial

 j. The girl with long hair asked me a question last week.

Ans:-         The girl with long hair: Subject 

                    asked : Verb

                    me : indirect object

                    a question : direct object

                    last week : adverbial

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